Let NMA use our specialized technologies and know-how to meet your organizational learning, knowledge management, and corporate memory needs
NMA offers:
- The lastest in knowledge management research in workplace ergonomics and solastalgia - Empirically proven and research-based strategies for tacit knowledge capture, focusing on cloud employees - Maximization of decades of information management experience and Web know-how to best meet your knowledge management needs - Connection to an international network of multi-disciplined experts in the fields of systems analysis and development and distance and ground-based training - Development assistance at all levels in the learning and corporate training paradigm - Development of distance learning curricula, programs, and individual courses - Evaluation and assessment of information systems, distance learning curricula, programs, and courses - Development and delivery of training seminars and forums in proven successful learning methodology - Administrative coordination of all outsourced learning services
Outsourcing and Customizing enables you to focus on your core capabilities - whether it be corporate training, teaching, research, or other services - without distraction.
Outsourcing DistanceLearning Development, Deployment, and Delivery have become cost- and time-effective ways to create a presence on the World Wide Web. Outsourcing is especially beneficial for those who have smaller and/or infrequent needs. The development of a single course or small program does not justify investment in an in-house system, engaging costly Web developers and complicated deployment issues. Use our resources to launch new online corporate training or distance learning programs minimizing the administrative, delivery, deployment, and development hassles.
Outsourcing assistance includes: - Development and/or facilitation of individual courses - Development and/or facilitation of curricula and programs - Administration of design and deployment of outsourced programs, including hiring and overseeing of facilitators of courses within the program Development assistance includes: - Individual assessment of your needs - Web-based module construction - Creating Web pages with the most favorable visual impacts and that meet the needs of all types of customers and learners as well as ADA recommendations - Web-based writing - Adaptation of existing materials to Web-based format - Development of associated information resources and databases - Selection of online strategies to successfully meet curricula and e-learning goals - Creation of distance education curricula and programs - Technology selection - Search engine optimization help
Corporate and organizational training courses and seminars are also offered to fit the needs of the customers addressing learning and communication techniques. Topics have included: - Facilitators' Short Course - presented in modular format, this course has been developed for facilitators and teachers -- who are in the process of using collaborative technologies and combining online/offline delivery -- and need to upgrade their online skills and online presence - Communication is Learning - a series of courses on interpersonal communication skills and their applications in the networked environment - Mentoring Online - a course to explore the role of the mentor in online environments and to aid in developing online visibility, interactivity, and general Web skills - Online Writing - the course focuses on the use of language and its adaptation to Internet communication - Active Imagination - a course on specific thought processes leading to independent thinking, critical thinking, and application of knowledge - Innovation Management with a New Perspective - this course concentrates on interpersonal communication as the core of sound management - Intellectual Property in the Networked Economy – a short course on copyright and fair use - Evaluating eLearning - the seminar focuses on teaching faculty and administrators how to assess their own eLearning courses and programs using research-based assessment methodology. Tips to enhance the eLearning environment for a more robust learning experience are offered. - Key Elements of a Successful eLearning Program - the course focuses on the four fundamental areas of sound eLearning: the student, the curriculum, the facilitator, and the technology.
We also offer services in: Advanced Database Structure and Design - Advanced Microcomputer Applications - Applied Database ManagementBusiness Application Programming Business CommunicationBusiness Networking (Client/Server emphasis) - Business Quantitative ResearchClient/Server Development- Computer Fundamentals - Data TelecommunicationsDatabase Modeling - Electronic BusinessElectronic Commerce - Ethical Conflicts in Information Technology - Information and Decision ScienceInformation Systems in Practice - IS Project Management - IT Application Management Decisions Management - Information Systems - Managing the Value ChainsMarketing in eCommerce EnvironmentMarketing on the Internet Redesigning the Enterprise ArchitectureSystems Analysis and Design - Technology Management eCommerce Technology Transfer in the Global Environment - Web Database Construction (EC Prototyping)
_______________________________________________________________________ Our associates have experience with many Learning Management Systems (LMSs) and collaborative technologies including: ANGEL, Anlon, Assignment Manager, ATutor, Avilar WebMentor, Bazaar, BlackBoard, BSCW, Chaco Pueblo, CentraOne, Claroline, ClassWeb, Click2learn Aspen, Colloquia, COSE, CouseWebs, Desire2Learn, eCollege , eCollege AU+, Educator, EduSystem, Eledge, Embanet’s suite of integrated e-Learning Management Systems, enCore Xpress, eShare, eSocrates, eUniversity, FirstClass, Fle3, Groupboard, Internet Course Assistant, IntraLearn SME, Janison Toolbox, Jenzabar Internet Campus Solution, Jones e-education, KnowEdge eLearning Suite, Lotus Notes QuickPlace/LearningSpace/SameTime, Manhattan Virtual Classroom, MimerDesk, Moodle, Netmeeting, OnCourse, Placeware, Sekai, Teamboard, The Learning Manager, Theorix, Virtual-U, Voice Cafe, wb - LBNL Whiteboard Tool, WebCT, plus a variety of MOOs, MUDs, and other Open Hypermedia Systems (CB- OHS0) _______________________________________________________________________ NMA uses a highly customized approach for the development of your learning and knowledge needs. We will discuss your needs in an initial consultation without obligation. For more information contact us.
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management
Global Alliance for ICT and Development
United Nations
____________________________________________ Know the power of learning™ Winston Salem, North Carolina, USA • Oak Island, North Carolina, USA • Pau, Pyrénées Atlantiques, France solutions@nmainc.net
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management