NMA, Inc.’s Assessment Rond-Points are intended to suggest different ways organizational trainers and educators can effectively support their organizational learning, training, and knowledge management goals.
Rond-Point is French for roundabout. NMA's rond-points are 360° assessments — a cycle of activity that is complex, fast-paced, revolving about a fixed center, and turning on its axis like a wheel. Each of NMA’s Assessment Rond-Points is oriented around an instructional goal or practice such as "encouraging discussion" or "promoting collaboration."
Assessment Rond-Points are composed of four sections:
- common goals related to the learning topic, - options for implementing technology to address these goals, with information on planning considerations and, where appropriate, Action Plans, - organizational resources that can help you address the learning topic, and - reading that addresses the learning topic.
Categories of Assessment Rond-Points
- Encourage responsibility for learning
Successful learning requires learners to be key players in directing their own training and education. By making resources, expectations, lines of communication, and opportunities for contribution and collaboration accessible, instructors can encourage learners to take greater responsibility in their instruction.
- Involve learners in learning
Getting learners involved in real-world projects can help them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They will be engaged more actively in learning when they work on projects that extend beyond a particular course. Tools can facilitate learner involvement in learning.
- Organize and manage your course
Organizing and managing a class can be a time-consuming process. Tools and technologies may be able to help by providing a dependable location where learners can find course information, turn in assignments, or take quizzes and other evaluation measurements online.
- Promote learner collaboration
Busy schedules and commuting learners often make it difficult to meet face-to-face for group work. Information communication technologies can provide unique strategies to promote convenient collaboration.
- Encourage discussion
Engaged, vibrant learner discussion can be a crucial part of learning but is usually limited by class time and in a large class may be impossible to manage. Email and electronic discussion tools extend opportunities for interaction, provide all learners with a chance to contribute, and force learners to compose their thoughts in writing.
- Address diverse learning styles
In the same way that one may prefer math to literature, learners may also develop preferences regarding the way they learn about these disciplines. Technologies can be used to broaden the corridors of access to course material.
- Facilitate learner and course evaluation
During the course of the semester, administrators and instructors may want feedback from learners on their expectations, their progress, or their satisfaction in the course. Tools and technologies can help facilitate evaluation.
- Support active learning
Bridging the gap between in-class lectures and real-world experience can be a challenge. Multimedia (sound, images, animation) and computer-based simulations can elucidate abstract concepts and make learners active participants in their learning.
- Enhance presentations
Creating a presentation can be a challenging, time-consuming process. Instructors are often looking for ways to develop lecture materials more efficiently, engage the learners more fully, and disseminate the presentation outside of the classroom – there are tools that can help.
- Learn and educate at a distance
Because the dynamics of teaching and learning at a distance are unique, NMA will suggest tools and offer feedback to guide you through the process of designing, developing, and teaching a successful distance learning course.
- Choose technologies for your knowledge management
Remember when you are teaching a distance learning course, your learners are not usually met in person and will probably rely heavily on your communication media to promote interaction and delivery of the course content. Assessment Rond-Points offer different technology options available to distance educators.